The LOC meets regularly. The next LOC meetings are:

Tuesday 18th March:                                      Online

Tuesday 20th May:                                         Venue tbc

Tuesday 15th July:                                         Venue tbc

Tuesday 16th Sept:                                        Venue tbc

Tuesday 18th Nov:                                         Venue tbc

If you wish to raise any matters for discussion or attend as an observer, please email LondonSouthEast@jclconsulting.co.uk at least one week before the meeting.

LOC Meeting Minutes available on request by emailing londonsoutheast@jclconsulting.co.uk.

Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC AGM 2024

The last Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC AGM was held on 25th June 2024 at the Royal Blackheath Golf Club. Please click on the link below for a copy of the draft AGM Minutes 2024.

Draft AGM minutes 2024

Please click on the link for the BBG LOC AGM Minutes 2023.

AGM minutes 2023