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Category: Practice News

July 18, 2022

Dear All CET 2021 PAYMENT CLAIMS  Please note the window for submitting CET 2021 payment claims opens on 1st July 2022 and closes 31st October 2022: General ophthalmic service continuing education and training payment: 2022 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) ​Kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC

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July 18, 2022
Funding for Cardiff University Audit Course

The LOC have been in discussions with Primary Ophthalmic Solutions with regards to auditing the local community services, specifically the funding of local members to undertake the relevant training to then be able to undertake relevant audits. We have contacted Cardiff University who have recommended the following course: OPT016: Evidence-based Eye Care and Clinical Audit…

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July 13, 2022
Reminder: Call for evidence on the Opticians Act and consultation on associated GOC policies

REMINDER Dear All We have been asked by The Chairman to remind you all that the GOC call for evidence closes on: 18th July 2022 Please click here for further information. With kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC

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July 11, 2022
COVID-19: Universal mask wearing update

Dear All We have been asked by The College of Optometrists to circulate information relating to a COVID -19 update. Please click here for further information. With kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC

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June 28, 2022
Updated Urgent Macula Referrals Form

Dear All We have been asked by NHS England to circulate the updated Urgent Macula Referrals form with updated Wet AMD referral email address for Moorfields.  Please click here to access the form and email addresses. With kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC

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June 28, 2022

Dear All We have been asked by Gordon Hay, Moorfields Eye Hospital to assist one of their registrars who is currently preparing some free emergency ophthalmology guidelines. Please see the link below. With kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC ***************************************************************************************************************** Hello Please can you click here to complete a questionnaire at your earliest convenience, This will assist our registrar…

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June 8, 2022
London Vision Community Engagement Survey to share

Dear All We have been asked by London Vision to circulate a Community Engagement Survey and further information can be found below. With Kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC ***************************************************************************************************************** Hello I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share details about an upcoming Project with London Vision I am involved with…

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May 30, 2022
Non-NHS Primary Care Practices and LOCs guidance

Please click here for LOCSU guidance regarding non-NHS Primary Care practices and LOCs.  As stated in the guidance, the legislative requirements of LOCs are: ‘To represent and support optical contractors and performers that provide NHS commissioned and taxpayer funded GOS. Contractors hold a GOS contract with NHS England at national level. Performers, as defined by NHS and…

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May 18, 2022
Making Accurate Claims In England 2022

Making Accurate Claims in England 2022 Dear Colleagues Please click HERE to view the document on ‘Making Accurate Claims in England 2022’. Kind regards Bexley, Bromley & Greenwich LOC

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